2013-14 Donors

Funds received June 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014  
in support of 2013-2014 Season

$7,500 – $9,999
Prisoner Benefit Fund c/o Deputy Warden Bobbi Smith, West Shoreline Correctional Facility

$5,000 – $7,499
Vivian Ruth Sawyer and Thomas T. Noland, Jr.  

$2,500 – $4,999
David and Carol Myers Foundation

$1,000 – $2,499
Church of the Epiphany Ten Percent Committee
EC Brooks Inmate Benefit Fund
Monica Machon and Richard Bram
Drs. Catherine Newton and Gordon Strauss

$500 – $999
Mary Berghuis
Cornelia Bonnie

$250 – $499
Lisa Beran
Celeste and Tom Gerstle
Kristine Haig and John Sonnenday
Joe and Kim Haveman
Dr. Jack Heller
Inge-Lise, Kirsten, and Niels Herold
Holy Spirit Catholic Church Jail Ministry
Jeffrey Huisman, in honor of the work of Joseph Byrd
Madeline O’Neill
Rick and Becky Reed

$100 – $249  
Anonymous (2)
John and Lillian Back
Lee Purcell Best
Pat Bricking
Rensselaer O. Broekhuizen
Freyda Campbell
Dr. Karen Cassidy
Mary Ceridan and Bill Carner
Linda Carter
Larry D. Chandler
Rev. Thomas R. Clark
Jill Cooper
Disciplers Bible Study Group Beechland Baptist Church
John and Mary Fleishman
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gettleman
Deborah Gilbert
Bob Hastings
Sharon Heck
Doug Held
Kevin Hesson
Jo Anne Hohman
Anne Huntington
Brittany Kelley
Leslie, Pat and Emmet King
The Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Archbishop of Louisville
Linda Lavelle
Luther Luckett Correctional Complex Fine Arts Club
Anthony Lynch-Bey – #146972
Lois Maasen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Nitzken
Kate Powers and Ted Kusio
Jennifer M. Payton
Dr. Roland and Rev. Janice Richmond
Sisters Dorothy Schuette, Joan Fraenzle, Mary Rabe, Ruth Collopy, Mary Tewes, Mary C. Hellmann
Bob and Erna Schmid
Bonita Singal
Revs. Diane and Walter Snowa
Bob and Mary Ann Stenger
Duncan Strauss and Colleen McGarr, in honor of Gordon Strauss
Dr. Peter and Margaret Fife Tanguay
Petersen Thomas
Serge and Sharon Lee Thony
Nancy Tietge, in honor of Gordon Strauss
Maggie Wade
Vicki and Malcolm Watts

$0.01 – $99
Anonymous (2)
Lynn Allen
Mary Allen
James Beatty
Renee Betz
Rev. John Burke
Denise Carroll
Lucio Caruso
Tiffany Conroy
Kevin and Mera Corlett
Jessica Corum
Phyllis Costello
Frank L. Cunningham
Simone Davis
Connie Dorval
Joan and Tom Dubay
Kathi E.B. Ellis
Karen Feenstra
Mike and Lana Kelly Fitzgerald
Sherrin Fitzer
Terri Foltz
Nicole Gaines
Barbara Gibson
Beverly Gradisek
Ruth Haddix
Matt Hayes
Stephen Hemenway
Paula Hensel
Kara Hockenbury
Laura Howell
Jessica Howington
Marilyn Hrbek
Carole Kaucic, SCN
Maureen Kelly
Susan Kelly
Lauren Kehr
Nick and Alison Knappenberger
Rita Knowles
Lauren Knox
Vicky Korosei
Michael Kuhl
Nell LaLond
Sammie Lambert
Jay and Jenny Leopold
Ann Lyons
Doug Magee and Anne Marie Regan
Bill and Linnie Maggard
Billy Mayer
Mary McGuire
Susan G. Mercke
Greg Mihalik
Bob and Bobbie Moore
Nanette Navarre
Phil O’Connor
Melissa and Thomas Olges
Ken and Sheila Pyle
Lucy Ratliff
Maria  Yolanda Rebollar
Martin and Michelle Ruby
James and Sandra Rynbrandt
Patricia Schalck
Anne Scott
K.C. and Micheleen Scull
Patricia and Donald Smith
Joern Soltau
Robert and Deborah Spera
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Stivers
Karina Strange
Ann Sullivan
Melissa Tanis, dedicated to Leonard Ford
Denise Taylor
Susan L. Thornton
Joseph M. Tichenor
Julie Toner
Beth Vanzytveld
Naomi Warndorff
Jennifer Watson
Karen Willis
Gregory Winfrey
Denise Winland, M.D.
Marc Zakem

View our 2012-13 Donors
View our 2011-12 Donors
View our 2010-11 Donors

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