The Journeymen Program

View the LLCC Journeymen Photo Gallery
A program specifically designed for 18-21 year-old inmates incarcerated in the Kentucky Department of Corrections. The Journeymen program embraces the mission, vision, and values of Shakespeare Behind Bars. The Journeymen program brings self-selected 18-21 year-old inmates together with SBB Journeymen facilitator Keith McGill, a group of senior mentors (alumni of the SBB program at the Luther Luckett Correctional Complex), and, when available, junior mentors (alumni of the Journeymen program) to work together in a sequential series of workshops over an agreed upon period of time unique to the hosting correctional institution. The program culminates in a final sharing with a potential audience composed of Kentucky Department of Corrections officials, prison staff, prison inmates, and invited guests from the inmate participant’s KY DOC approved visitors list. Each participant completing the program is presented with a Certificate of Completion, a Journeymen t-shirt, and a graduation photograph. Past Journeymen Program participants have exhibited improved:
- comprehension, literacy (reading, writing, and oral communication), and critical thinking skills;
- self-esteem and positive self-image;
- social and communication skills;
- decision making, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills;
- empathy, compassion, and trust;
- responsibility as a member of a group;
- responsibility in daily life and for crime/s committed;
- tolerance and peaceful resolution of conflict skills;
- ability to relate the themes contained in Shakespeare’s works to themselves and society.
Due to COVID-19, this Journeymen program is currently on hiatus until in-person visits can resume.

This program is made possible through the generosity of Arts for All Kentucky and the Kentucky Department of Education.