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Shakespeare Behind Bars
PO Box 83
Macatawa, MI 49434
Thank you again for supporting Shakespeare Behind Bars!
Shakespeare Behind Bars
Donor Recognition
Funds received
August 1, 2024 - Present
in support of the
2024-25 Season
$30,000 - $35,000
David & Carol Myers Foundation
$25,000 - $30,000
$20,000 - $25,000
$15,000 - $19,999
$12,000 - $14,999
$10,000 - $11,999
Thomas Noland Memorial Fund
$7,500 - $9,999
Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children
$5,000 – $7,499
The Buck Foundation
Arts for All Kentucky
Oldwin Family Foundation
Eileen Amy Ryan
$2,500 - $4,999
Creag Foundation
$1,000 – $2,499
AC Sewing, Inc.
Cornelia (Nina) Bonnie
Epiphany Catholic Church
Kentucky School Boards Association
Marla & Jon Lunderberg
Thomas Gerstle
Hope Church
Machon-Bram Charitable Fund
Jean Martin
Richard Reed
$500 – $999
Center for Behavioral Health & Justice, Wayne State University
Timothy P. Falk
Mary Berghuis & Bill Hendrick
Turney Berry & Kendra Foster
Network For Good
Drs. Catherine Newton & Gordon Struass
William Trent & Thomas Ranz
Jerry & Kathy Wittingen
$250 – $499
Yvonne Blazer
Stuart Braune
Larry Brewster
Monica & Cal Cluff
Linda Carter
Rita Gearhart
Stephannie Gearhart
Mark & Michelle Hartman
Marian & Thomas Hayden
Lorain County Community College Faculty Senate - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Lee Sachnoff
Ellen Schendel
Karin & Joern Soltau
John Sonnenday & Kristine A. Haig
Melissa Tanis
$100 - $249
Greg Bell (FB)
Lee Purcell Best
Stuart Braune
Carolyn & Richard Bullington
Joshua Buursma - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Denise Carroll
Sheila Cavanagh (FB)
Larry D. Chandler
Monica Cluff
Irwin Cutler
Laryssa Cybriwsky
DIAD Consulting Inc.
Robert Devlin - On Behalf of Barry Stone & Kim Webster
Lara Dodds - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Lynne & William Dowling
Barbara Dunn
Anna Farrell
Meg Fidler (FB)
Fiona Floyd - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Linda Fite - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
John Fleischman
Teri Foltz
Nicole Gaines
Jenifer Gunnick
Francis Hackney
Heather Haines - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Edward & Roxanna Hartline
Stephen Hemenway
Anne Huntington
Dr. Jack Heller
Vicky Korosei
Karen Hamer
Bruce Levitt (FB)
James Loftis - In memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Don & Peg Luidens
Thomas Mallan - In memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Lisa Markowitz - In memory of our Dad, Joseph Markowitz, who loved Shakespeare and justice.
Claire McDonald
Judith Miller
Robert Moore
Eleanor Morison
Steven Mueller (FB)
Nerve Collection
Byoung K. Park - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Richard Perloff (FB)
Jim Peterson
Sanford Robbins (FB)
Christine Routh - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Lisa Rozema
Rosemary Scott
Micheleen Scull
Diana Shaffner
Charles Shaw
Joyce Shirley
Jodi Smiley
Rebecca Starks
Bob & Mary Ann Stenger
James P. Sullivan
Claire Szabo-Cassella (FB)
Earleen Thomas
Grace C. Tiffany
Mary Underwood
Samantha Webb - In memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Cia Wilson
Marie G. Wilson (Cis)
Kevin Yoder
$0.01 – $99
Kamran Afary
Ida Kathleen Alison
Mary Allen
Jan Arnow (FB)
Kelly Bailiff
Kathryn Bentley
Nancy Beverly (FB)
Cheri Bishop
Kevin Bott (FB)
Tom Galbraith Bradac - In Loving Memory
Brent Buell (FB)
John Burger
Debra Ann Byrd (FB)
Sheila Cavanagh - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Christina Clark - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Kristin Clippard (FB)
Gary Cohen (FB)
Alexis Colon
Michael Connolly (FB)
Natalie Daniels - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Lloyd Davies
Doug Draper (FB)
Constance Dorval-Bernal
Michael Duncan (FB)
Laura Ellis
Lee Ernst (FB)
Anna Farrell
Sarah Ficke - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Rose Flowers
Tesse Frink
Give Lively Foundation, Inc.
Janice Glann - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Steve Goodin (FB)
Joan Gould
Ruth Haddix
Marian Harrell
Rosalind Heinz
Susan Ryba Herndon (FB)
Dr. Niels Herold
Glenda Hodges-Cook
Paul Hohman
Gaye Holman - In Honor of Larry Chandler's Birthday
RevRachel Hollander (FB)
Karin Hooks - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Georgette Kleier Hottois (FB)
Kay Hubbard (FB)
Richard Hughes
David Jackman
Margi Johnstone
Lauren Kehr
Michael Kinghorn (FB)
Cheryl Klink
Kathy Knox (FB)
Rose Kolonauski
Vicky Korosei
Sandy Krebs (FB)
Michael Kuhl
Bruce Levitt (FB)
Deborah Longton - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Larry Lucas (FB)
Mac MacDaniel
Kerry Madrick
Tom Magill (FB)
Cia McClanahan
MaryJo McConnell (FB)
Deborah McElhannon
Sinead McEneaney - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Erin Miller - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Pricilla Meeuwenberg
Emily "MJ" Moore
Minh Nguyen
Laura Nicklin (FB)
CC Norton
Jennifer Payton
Kimble Pendley
Joan Perkins
Richard Perloff (FB)
Kristian Perry (FB)
Tony Pisculli (FB)
John Rees (FB)
Sam Rice
Kristen Rose
William Russell
Elizabeth Schaaf
Sue Schnellinger - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Shannon Scroggins
Jonathan Shailor (FB)
Frannie Shepherd-Bates (FB)
Joyce Shirley
Elizabeth Siebert
Bruce Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Joseph Smith
Susan Southard
Stephanie Stone - In Honor of Marc Zakem
Sarah Swords
Denise Taylor
Marilyn Taylor (FB)
Brenda Thomas
Laura Trexler
Marie Trottier (FB)
Tucker Escrow and Title Services - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Two Cups of Coffee
Naomi Warndorff
Lana Wertz (FB)
Cia White
Nathan White (FB)
Your Cause
Sheri Whitehead
Jewan Woo - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Amy Woodford-Gormley - In Memory of Amy Scott-Douglass
Marc Zakem