The Winter’s Tale


The Winter’s Tale, 2010 Return to Production History
View Photos from The Winter’s Tale
Sicilia  WintersTaleath1




LEONTES King of Sicilia Hal Cobb
HERMIONE Queen to Leontes Ron Anthony Brown
MAMILLIUS young Prince of Sicilia Thomas Walker
ANTIGONUS lord of Sicilia Paul Martln
PAULINA wife to Antigonus Floyd Vaughn
CAMILLO lord of Sicilia James Prichard
DION lord of Sicilia Andre Colllns
CLEOMENES lord of Sicilia Stephen Marshall
EMILIA lady attending on Hermione Timothy Jett
Another LADY attending on Hermione Erik Nolde
Mariner Michael Malavenda
First Gentleman Howard Ralston
Second Gentleman Erroll Rogers
Officer Curtis Hastings
Lord Michael Malavenda
Jailer Erroll Rogers
Servant Stephen Riddle
POLIXENES King of Bohemia John Snyder
FLORIZEL Prince of Bohemia Erik Nolde
PERDITA daughter to Leontes and Hermione Thomas Walker
ARCHIDAMUS lord of Bohemia James Carter
AUTOLYCUS a rogue Jerry Guenthner
OLD SHEPHERD reputed father of Perdita James Carter
CLOWN his son George Cohen
MOPSA a shepherdess Timothy Jett
DORCAS a shepherdess Ron Anthony Brown
Servant Stephen Rlddle
Administrative Personnel
founder & ProducING director Curt L. Tofteland
Artistic Director/Facilitator Matt Wallace
Production Team
Producer Curt L. Tofteland
director Matt Wallace
Staff Sponsor Kevin Hayes
Assistant Director/Stage Manager Floyd Vaughn
Assistant Stage Manager Jessie White
Costume Design Donna Lawrence Downs
Scenic Design/Scenic Artist Steven Lane
Scenic Artist Michael Malavenda
Sound Operator Wayne Richardson
Choreography Ron Anthony Brown, Timothy Jett
Original Music Hal Cobb, Jerry Guenthner, Jessie White
Winter’s Tale Logo Design Holly Lyn-Heather Johnson
Special ThanksLuther Luckett Correctional Complex

We deeply appreciate the entire security, program and support staff of LLCC for their assistance and cooperation in making this production possible:

Clark Taylor, Warden
Phillip Bramblett, Deputy Warden/Programs
Martin Granado, Deputy Warden/Security
Kevin Hayes, CUA I/Staff Sponsor
Joshua Lewis, CTO
Casey Heilman, Chaplain
Sherri Grissinger, Administrative Specialist
Karen Heath, Recreation Director
Scott Jordan, Senior Captain
Captain Tim Crutcher, First Shift Captain
Captain Richard Garcia, Second Shift Captain
Captain Laura Plappert, Third Shift Captain
Cheri Kraus, KCI Print Shop Operations Manager
Roger Liter, KCI Print Shop Production Supervisor
Steve Hendrick, Carpentry

Also Special Thanks to:

J. Michael Brown, Secretary, Justice & Public Safety Cabinet
LaDonna Thompson, Commissioner, Department of Corrections
The Department of Juvenile Justice